The Usd/Jpy trade went positive nearly 50 pips before retracing into negative territory today. Initially the indecision by the Bank of Japan caused weakness in the Yen but speculation of an interest rate change in July or August pulled it right back in down. Surprisingly I have a buy signal on the Gbp/Jpy, posible a reason to consider going long the Gbp/Usd instead. But as I said before I am a rule follower when it comes to my trading.
That being said I broke a rule and chased gold, jumping the gun instead of waiting. I could have got a rate $4 better at the target I suggested yesterday rather than getting in at 597.88 (could have been in at 593.50 if I just waited for the day to end). As much as I would like to get in even now at 595 this would be over leaveraging a single trade which would be an even rule to break.
As a side note. When I post my current postions, it shows average price. If I bought in twice it will only show one position with the average of the two values.
Tomorrow should have an active morning. Lets see if we can't break 100% total account increase and double the account before the one month mark.
You can double click the current standing to see the image more clearly.